Tokens and Mapping for Timeline Note Templates

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It would be great to set some tokens on the Timeline Note Templates from your account. 


For example, we want to set up a template for a “CSM Handoff” when the CSM changes. The leaving CSM will create, but we have some things like “ARR, Sentiment (custom fields on account,), renewal date” that we want pulled into one spot rather than the CSM going to different places. It would be great to be able to token and map like we are able to in Email Templates

We were hoping to use the at mentions in timeline activity to send notifications on the entries to a set of internal users on specific activity types - internal updates, scorecard updates etc.
However, we wanted to tokenize the at mentions using timeline template which is not possible today.

We also wanted to tokenize certain data from Company on some templates. Templates are very static today and less useful if we cannot add dynamic content.

Love this idea! It would be incredibly useful for our CSMs, particularly when using Note Templates for email Activity Types

Putting on your radar @Bhawya 

Just came across this, smart idea. +1

+1 on this! Would be amazing to have the ability to tokenize timeline templates. It would be a huge time saver for the team + would lessen the need to look across different C360 tabs to find everything they need to make their updates.

Yes, we would love this as well.  We want to do our annual account planning via the Timeline using a template for specific things to populate, but it would be great if we could put a few key fields in the note.

+1 for this, we’d like to be able to pull some key details from either company or relationship in to a timeline template which would populate with current data at the time the timeline entry is added (ie if the ARR changes later, the content of the timeline wouldn’t also change)