Timeline Posts for Entire Success Plan

Related products: CS Success Plans

We are leveraging Success Plans to track Objectives for Priority 1 accounts in our portfolios. We've asked team members to provide a Timeline update each week for progress and plan for the following week.

What I'm running into is you can only post Timeline updates for each Objective CTA and not the entire Success Plan. 

It would be great to have the option to post an update for the entire Success Plan vs one Objective since I might have worked on multiple Objectives that week.
I like this idea. Makes a lot of sense.
+1 I can't like this one enough!  Also, Hi LANE!!  As we start building out our Success Plans more, it would be awesome if they could post on them as a whole - rather than the individual.  I could see this a request as we start to deploy them.  Awesome request!
Hi Lane,

Yes we do have that in our roadmap, i have few follow up questions on same,

1) Do you want to see Activities posted inside Objectives to be available in SP timeline?

2) When you create an Activity in SP with Todo's, would you prefer to have an Objective in the same SP or an Individual CTA as usual?


Hi Hitesh,

1) Yes, I would want to see these in Timeline.

2) This should fall into the SP.

I want to clear up any possible confusion. I would still want the timeline entries to be available in the full Timeline not only a SP Timeline.
Thanks for the reply Lane, and yes Activities created directly in SP or inside the Objective will be seen in full Timeline.

Hello Everyone,

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and implemented in the Success Plan Horizon Analytics available in Gainsight NXT (Link). Success Plan Horizon Analytics has new capabilities such as the ability to post to Timeline at both the Success Plan and Objective CTA level.

Thanks for posting!