The tasks in SFDC without any description/comments will not be synced to Gainsight.

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Hello Team,

I am working on a issue in which I got to know that the tasks in SFDC without any description/comments will not be synced to Gainsight.

How likely  it is to be implemented to fix this?

Hi Imran.

Nice Observation. I guess definitely a workaround would be available to sync those or it will be part of feature enhancement releases.

@imran1184 This is an intentional decision taken by us. The reason Timeline is very useful is because it has very clean and important data in it. SF activities without notes/ comments are usually automated activities coming from some external system and we think these might create a lot of noise in Timeline.

Having said that, we will solve this problem in the future by making sure that these kind of activities are not creating noise in Timeline

I had a customer ask this same question, do we have any plans on allowing this or a workaround that is available?

It says there is one, but I cannot see it in the post. Thanks