Sum Number Columns in Relationship List View

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Rather than requiring a Reports section on the 360 to total up particular attributes from Relationships under a Company, I would love if the numeric columns were automatically summed up in the List View (even aggregate widgets on the Card View) when I look at Relationships:


@gunjanm sounded greek to me. Could you please add few more lines for better understanding.

@sai_ram there are two views of the native Relationships section on the C360: card and list. On the list view, it displays some key attributes such as the two number columns I’ve shown. It would be great if there were a grand total for all numeric columns at the top or bottom for all Relationships in that list. 

Thanks for the feedback @gunjanm. We are indeed planning to add a summary strip the Relationship section, where all the valuable data points can be summarised. This will be part of the New C360 experience we are working on.
Being able to aggregate at column level also can be really useful, we will evaluate if we can include this as well.

@sai_ram there are two views of the native Relationships section on the C360: card and list. On the list view, it displays some key attributes such as the two number columns I’ve shown. It would be great if there were a grand total for all numeric columns at the top or bottom for all Relationships in that list. 

@gunjanm thank you for the details!!