Success Plan Objectives - Automatically set as Internal or External

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I know that we can manually enable Objectives under Success Plans so they can be shared with the client. This Artice explains that process.

However, we'd like to configure the Objectives beforehand so they are already set as Internal or External when our CSMs add the Success Plan. Is this possible?

We have 20+ objectives in some of our Success Plans that need to be external and 10+ that need to be Internal only. These objectives are all on the same Success Plan. We do not want our CSMs wasting their time manually setting the objectives as Internal or External.
Hi Faust,

Currently, it is not possible to do that.

Let me know if I understood the use case correctly, when defining the objectives in a template you want the admin to be able to mark some of them as internal/ external?
Hi! Thanks for your reply! :)

Yes - when defining the objectives in a template, we want to be able to mark them External [Indicates that sharing has been enabled for external contacts (in addition to internal users)].

Our Success Plan templates have Objectives that our clients need to see when shared to them. Our CSMs have to manually mark Objectives as External when they apply a template and takes up a lot of their time since there are 20+ objectives that need to be External (client facing).

It would be fantastic to have this setting available to admins when defining objectives so they are already set as External or Internal. That way, when a CSM is assigned a new client and applies a new Success Plan template, all the objectives are automatically enabled to External or Internal.

I hope that makes sense! Would it be possible to have this as a very near future update for Success Plan objectives? :) 
Hi Aditya! Any thoughts or suggestions about this? Could this be a possible update in the future?
Hi Faust,

Thanks for sharing the use case. Have added it to the backlog....will keep you posted as and when there is an ETA to this

Alrighty - thank you so much!
Aditya - any update on this? 🙂 We're implementing new success plans with LOTS of objectives and tasks... There are only a few that we want external to share with the client.... and it would be to cumbersome for the CSMs to manually mark so many objectives as internal.
@aditya_marla Do you have any updates on this? We've been using success plans for a year now and this is still a HUGE need. Our team is still going through success plans and manually marking objectives.

Hi @aditya_marla,

This would be a great addition for our processes. It would save our reps a ton of time when setting up their customer's Success Plans.

Hi Paige,

Thanks for sharing this. I've adding this to the backlog and is not there on our short - medium term roadmap


Hi @aditya_marla,

Do you have any updates to provide? It would be extremely helpful to have a way of distinguishing which objectives should be shared and which ones shouldn’t in a given Success Plan so reps aren’t having to do so manually and it reduces the risk of sharing things that we would rather not like customers to see. 

Hi @aushel ,

We have not made any progress on giving admin the ability to define it at the template level but have improved the sharing experience in NXT (and added a preview capability where users can clearly see what objectives will be shared, what will be view only, and what objectives the customer can edit). Does that help to some extent?

@aushel did you get a chance to view the comments here. Please let us know if this helped.

Hi @aushel ,

We have not made any progress on giving admin the ability to define it at the template level but have improved the sharing experience in NXT (and added a preview capability where users can clearly see what objectives will be shared, what will be view only, and what objectives the customer can edit). Does that help to some extent?

@did you see the comments here.

When configuring success plan templates, marking objectives as internal or external is available in NXT edition