Sort Cockpit view by one or more criteria

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As a CSM, I need to be able to sort the Cockpit view by one or more criteria e..g. Due Date and Priority, Client Name and Priority, Client Name and Due Date, etc

At the moment, it is only possible sort based on a single criteria which is limiting. I believe this capability was available before the current version was released and I'd like to see if re-implemented.

@markpokane thank you for sharing your request here. I am redirecting this to the product team.

@markpokane This capability was not present in the previous cockpit experience too. We are planning to introduce this in the new experience. We have partially implemented this already but it’s not sticky (meaning you need to reselect the criteria on every page refresh). To select multiple criteria, click the first column header, then press and hold ‘shift’ on your keyboard and select the second column. You will be able to sort by multiple columns. You can select upto 6 columns.


@markpokane This capability was not present in the previous cockpit experience too. We are planning to introduce this in the new experience. We have partially implemented this already but it’s not sticky (meaning you need to reselect the criteria on every page refresh). To select multiple criteria, click the first column header, then press and hold ‘shift’ on your keyboard and select the second column. You will be able to sort by multiple columns. You can select upto 6 columns.


@markpokane did you get a chance to view the comments here.