Scorecard Timeline: Modify score and create timeline entry simultaneously

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When creating a Scorecard Timeline activity, it captures the value of the measure for which you’re making the entry. 

For manual measures, though, it requires you first to make the manual change to the measure then go create the activity.

It would save clicks if you could combine creating the Scorecard TImeline activity at the same time you’re modifying the score, either from within the TImeline entry itself during creation or  by allowing the capture of comments while modifying the Measure and the system then automatically creates a Timeline Activity capturing the change. 

@darkknight We do have plans to give the option to modify a scorecard measure while creating an account timeline activity.

I do understand the requirement to have the ability to enter the activity while changing the measure score, but we want to give a uniform timeline experience across the product.

We will try to figure out the UX, and will give it if possible.


