The ability to open up rule in separa browser tabs

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

I will be great if we could open new tab of a rule by pressing the control key down. It is so hard to compare rules and check if the dependent rule is setup correctly. If i need to compare the rules i will have to navigate back to rule engine click on the one rule and then open another window and repeat the navigation again.

And also the rules engine doesn't remember your filter when you go back to the rule engine screen. You have to re-run the filter to just to get to related rules that you are changing. This is such a waste of time.

Generally the whole rule engines is very hard to use.
Hi Kuan,

It is a very good usability enhancement. We will discuss with our product owner and prioritize this. Thank you for pitching this idea.
I think this would be a very easy feature to implement. Like the new repository screen where if you click on the link it opens a new browser tab.