Scorecard: Ability to easily change metric's group

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In defining our scorecard, we leverage the ability to group some of the metrics under different headers (aka "Groups"). Over time, business requirements changed and we now have different headers/groups we would like to use. To implement that within Gainsight, we need to change the the group each metric belongs to.

Unfortunately, at this point, in order to re-assign a scorecard metric from one group to another, we have to leverage a separate SAAS tool, read into the development script, select the correct ID from the object, then go through a copy paste exercise, test and hope for the best.

Alternatively, it would be ideal if we could simply drag and drop metrics from one group to another from within the Administrator tab.
I mentioned this and hope this is coming soon
Thanks for the feedback. We are revamping our scorecards functionality and will consider this enhancement request.


I just went through this as well and had to go through Workbench to update the GroupID for the metrics that I needed to change. It did work but it would be great to just drag & drop in the UI.
I saw in another post that this functionality will be addressed in Scorecard 2.0. Woot!