Cockpit list: filter by task type

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Now that we have more than one CTA Task type, it'd be nice to have the option to filter by task type in the Cockpit List View. Not sure if this is a planned enhancement...
Yes, +1 on that!

Also, has there been consideration given to having the view of CTAs directly in Cockpit default to filter out Objectives? That would help reduce the impression of a noisy Cockpit for CSMs who heavily use Success Plans (like Angie's List... and us 🙂 and allow them to view Objectives primarily out of C360.
Thanks for the post.

Lila - we will look into adding CTA Task type in filters. 

Tracy - In this quarter, we are coming up with cockpit custom views. These filters and views will be private & sticky, so if required, users can create views and exclude objectives.

