Rules Engine: Extend expiration of Rule task processing files to 90 days

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When I want to go back and look at the records pulled by a rule, if it's more than 7 days I get an error:   Unable to fetch the file as the link to the file expires after 7 days of the rule execution date. 

It would be extremely helpful if you could go back farther than 7 days to see the history as often issues don't necessarily present themselves immediately after.

Agree with Jeff.  I've definitely run into this on more than one occasion.
Yeah, plus one from me too. Often, more than 7 days have past before I realize a rule is updating or creating something that I didn't intend it to. 
we will try to provide this asap 
MAN this is aggravating.  Gainsight Product, can this please get fast tracked?

I feel like we need to be able to view up to 90 days.
Looks like this was made available in the January 2019 release. I wish this had been extended to 90 days because I am finding more often than not the average timeframe where I have an issue brought to my attention that requires backtracking is about 6 weeks. But 30 is certainly better than 7 so thank you for that!

Can this be revisited to extend for 90 days please?

@jitin_mehndiratta - is extending the history from 30 days to 90 days an option that could be enabled?

@darkknight sorry for the inconveneice and thanks for bringing this up here.

I have rasied this to our prodcut team, will update you here, once I hear back from them.

I was informed this morning that the GS infrastructure is not able to handle more than 30 days. Very disappointing.

I guess now we can see and download the rule results for the last 30 days.

For example, in the below screenshot we can see there is no View icon or Download Option for the 8/01/2020 execution as the date was more than 30 days past date with today’s (9/08/2020) date.

(M/DD/YYYY) format

