Request for Fields in Success Plan Template That Show Up in Saved Success Plan and/or Objectives

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Currently the functionality of Success Plan Template fields is fairly limited as it pertains to the final Success Plan this is created. Once a Success Plan Template is selected and the SP saved, all data attached to the template itself is no longer visible except the objective Name and Category. The Success Plan name is gone as well as the Objectives descriptions -- the only current option is Admin description only. 

The request here is to offer fields within the Success Plan Template that will be visible to the user once the SP has been created. For example, you could provide information around a specific Template that would go into the general Success Plan Info tab. Also, you could add a field into the Objective inside the template that will still be visible in that Objective once it is built. 


I was also surprised that Success Plan Templates only applies to the Objectives contained within a Success Plan.

I would like to set default values for other Success Plan fields as part of a Template.

For example, we use a standard templated format for the Description, Highlights and Action Plan rich text fields on the Success Plan. Currently our CSMs have to copy and paste from an external document into each of these fields.

Allowing these fields to be set as part of a ‘Template’ or even be set when specific Success Plan Type would be immensely helpful in standardizing and saving CSMs time.


Ben Wanless

+1 as we move to more automated ways of creating Success Plans, this would be definitely be a beneficial enhancement for us as well.

Thank you for the Back up @heather_hansen !

I also found a similar request from @spencer_engel  from like 4 or 5 years ago:


As per of Success Plan admin redesign, we are working on

  • configure default values for fields in success plan type
  • Configure tooltip/help-text for the fields

Does this solve your usecase?

Does this solve your use case?


Thank you for your response!

Allowing Default Values for fields (including datatype rich text fields) by Success Plan Type would solve my use case.

But I don’t want to speak for others. 

Hey, is there any update on allowing us to templatize fields on Success Plan Info page? At least need a place to insert a description that applies to the entire plan and is readily visible upon applying the template.

We would like to give users an intro to the plan, define the outcomes, pre-requisites, things to know, whatever. This can be in a single Rich Text field as far as I am concerned, but it is unique per Template.

Success Plans with only the “Objectives” page templatized but not the “Plan Info” is sort of like a food recipe where there is no ingredients list and you learn about what is needed only as you read the cooking steps. Sure, you can make a pie in the end, but how can you be well prepared for the steps ahead if you don’t know what to expect?