Reports 2.0: Should have the ability to show aggregate total on a graph

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

When I run a report that breaks a particular object (i.e. support cases) down by categories, I still need the sum total to appear somewhere on the graph

Rough examples attached. 

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your feedback. I've added your suggestion to the roadmap. Timing is TBD.


Hi Jeff,

While we don't display the totals for pie charts, we do display the totals(On selecting show data points from Gear icon|Chart options) for stacked bar and column charts. Can u please cross check and raise an issue if that isn't the case?


I know you show the totals per bar, but an option to show somewhere on the graph/chart the total...i.e. if it's Support Cases, show the TOTAL support cases overall above or under the legend and then break it down by bar/pie piece.
Thanks for the additional context, Jeff! I will add your suggestion to the roadmap. Actual timing is TBD.

This is critical.  Our managers don't want to have to sum up all of the bars in a charts to see the total number of _____ records in the report.
I see this is marked implemented- is there a link I can follow to find out more about how it was implemented?