Recognize column resizing as a dashboard change for a user and allow them to "Save" this configuration for the future

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The new HA is great for remembering customizations and user changes to a dashboard, but included in that should be column width resizing. HA should recognize a column width resizing change made by a user and allow them to “Save” that change for the next time they visit the dashboard. 

Reports have a lot of white space and allowing users to customize this experience with a tabular report would be very useful.

typo in the name - can someone in community help me edit it to say “future” instead of “fuutre”?  :) 

@sarahmiracle  - the typo is fixed,  also, i definitely feel that we should have more tighter margins on the columns in the dashboard.

A workaround i can propose for now :- if the report in question is used similarly in dashboards, resizing the column width in the source report carries over to the dashboards as well. This isnt ideal if the reports needs to be customised per dashboard but hopefully this helps in the interim. 

@Azad it does certainly help in the interim, and it is how I manage this need today. But with HA and GS Home bringing about more customization for a user, this is a natural fit with that theme when other report changes are “remembered.” 

@sarahmiracle  - understood will let you know when we can work on this.