Real-Time Rules: Provide Useful details in Execution Event Data

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This is specifically about the event data you can download on a successful execution.

Currently when you download it, it’s just columns of ID’s - no headers, nothing to indicate what anything means or what the IDs are associated with.


It would be nice to have some indication of what object a column is referencing, if it was the ‘old’ or ‘new’ ID, or if both are present. Really any context at this point would be an improvement.

For something as potentially useful (or disruptive) as a realtime rule, good logging seems essential. Whatever skepticism I have for a new rule is 100x more acute when that rule is meant to run in near real time.

@rakesh could you take a look at this pl?

Hi @bradley 

Thanks for pointing this out. Column ID’s I agree we should use column display names here in the export. I’ll check this with the team once.

Hi @bradley 

Thanks for pointing this out. Column ID’s I agree we should use column display names here in the export. I’ll check this with the team once.

Awesome. Since a rule can succeed without having an action, if there’s a way to easily tell what was ingested and actioned on vs ingested and not actioned on that would be extremely helpful as well. It might be possible just with column headers, but like I said couldn’t make much sense of it so not sure :)