Pop Up Configuration for Sentiment

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My team and I were discussing a manual measure that we have which allows for individual CS team members to assess our relationship with a client. This field is the only manual measure on our otherwise fully automated Health Scorecard.

To encourage ongoing and timely evaluations of our relationships, I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate a feature into Gainsight which will create a pop up on a group’s C360 if this manual sentiment field has not been updated for a pre-determined amount of time. 

In this way, the field will function as a sort of C360-specific NPS score. The pop up would not appear every time a C360 page was loaded; I could see that getting very frustrating, very quickly. But it would be good to help encourage regular assessments of our relationship in a very quick fashion, different from having a rule-generated CTA which would also need to be dealt with after an assessment is provided. 

So, there’s not a pop up (yet), but when you are configuring the scorecard, you can assign a validity period, and that then adds a callout on the measure itself in the C360 and any inline updating reports as well.

Indeed. To be sure, we make use of validity periods on other measures. However, that pop up with a single, quick question to be answered would be most ideal. 

Sounds like this feature has already been mentioned? 

Hello @mr255405, thank you for your post. Looping in our Product Manager to look into this and get back to you. 

@mr255405 Thanks for the post. It’s a valid use-case. We will think of the best way to address this.

We are also looking at the option of generating an event for stale scores, so CTAs and notifications can be created from this.


Also, in the new mass edit reports, it is possible to filter for stale scores. So that’s the easiest workaround available for you meanwhile.


FYI.. @Chinmay Chawade