NPS Dial report type for Reports/Dashboards

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We’d like to be able to use the NPS dial that is available on the 360 in reports, and thererfore on dashboards. The “workaround” of using the summary widget isn’t really sufficient as it’s the visual representation of the placing on the dial that is needed. (and to easily choose True or Avg NPS)



@HollySimmons Thanks for bringing this up. I will talk to the relevant team to add it as a roadmap item

Hi @HollySimmons,

Gauge is one of the visualizations that we want to add to regular reporting.

Meanwhile, Can you share any more details on how would you want to build this Guage? Should it be applicable only for NPS? Only if there is one field in Show Me (Which a Green, Orange and Red threshold) 

Hey @rakesh  of course having more flexibility than just NPS would be preferred, similar to SFDC dashboards where you can choose Gauge as the type of visualisation and set the values and colours for each range; 


Thanks for the details. We plan to introduce new visualizations once we finish our reporting redesign work. Will pick this one up as a part of those enhancements

Just popping over some of the NPS Analytics page reporting into Dashboards seems like a simple push. This is one of the biggest blockers from having our team adopt Surveys within Gainsight more. 

@gunjanm follow this link here, this is the latest link here