MultiCurrency in Data Designer

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Hi Team,

In Multi Currency orgs, When we build Data designer and add currency fields we are displaying the values with Corporate currency for currency, if its of different currency then we are converting them into Corporate currency and displaying them. But users reached out to us requesting to display them in local currency instead of Conversion. Can you please look into this and see if this can be added in future roadmap.



Hi Pratap, 

Thanks for raising this. While Data Designer supports multi currency(in corporate currency, without losing monetary value), its not as robust in handling all the multi currency use cases today. Please use Rules Engine which handles multiple data ingest/load scenarios for multi currency to solve this usecase. As we look forward to the future, if customers have more usecases around multi currency handling in data designer we will prioritize it and work on it.

@All, Please hit like, +1 to prioritize this and share what you want to achieve in comment below. 

Having an issue with the automatic conversion to the corporate default in DD. Here’s the scenario…


Older Opportunity data in SFDC holds currency field values which were converted to USD using the then-current conversion rates. We are using Data Designer to handle this data, but due to the automatic conversion to USD (as with aggregation functions) we’re automatically converting to USD using the current conversion rates. The result is a mismatch between values in SFDC and what we’re presenting in Data Designer. Since multi-currency doesn’t seem to support historical conversion rates, and we cannot NOT convert to USD using the conversion rates in Gainsight when fetching that data in DD, we end up with inaccurate financial data for older Opportunities.


It would be fantastic to be able to fetch these field values directly without the forced conversion to USD. At that point, I would be able to apply a historical conversion rate manually or simply hold the data in it’s native currency - which would still be more accurate than converting using mismatched rates.