Make it easier to remove duplicate values

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There are often scenarios where I need to help a customer remove duplicate values in the MDA for some reason or another. It’s not an easy or repeatable process.


Would it be possible to make something like this more embedded in the product, similar to how Microsoft Excel has a one-click button for removing duplicate values in a table?

Hi Spencer

Thank you for your feedback. I have a few questions that could help me understand the requests better

  1. How are you currently identifying duplicates?  Are update keys set for identifying duplicates?
  2. Data load handles duplicates on data load if the update keys are set. Can I know how the duplicate entries are set?

Thank you


Hi Spencer

Thank you for your feedback. I have a few questions that could help me understand the requests better

  1. How are you currently identifying duplicates?  Are update keys set for identifying duplicates?
  2. Data load handles duplicates on data load if the update keys are set. Can I know how the duplicate entries are set?

Thank you


Hi Preethi - I currently do the following process: 

  1. Create a field called “Delete?” on the MDA object with the duplicates
  2. Create a rule where I have two datasets - one that queries all the data and one that narrows down just the records I want to keep. For example, I might want to just keep the duplicate loaded first, so I would have a dataset with the MIN GS Created Date and the GSID, then merge that back into the other dataset. 
  3. I then choose the action “Load to GS object” and use GSID as an identifier to mark any duplicate records without the MIN GS Created Date as “yes” in the “Delete?” field. 
  4. Once that rule finishes, I’m able to go into Data Management and filter on records with “yes” under the new Delete field.

Thank you Spencer.


I have added this to the roadmap. Will keep you posted on the timelines


