Make Data Designer MDA's Custom rather than System type

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MDA’s created by Data Designer jobs are currently classified as System MDA’s, so they cannot be deleted. It would be more flexible to use the Custom type for these, so admins can freely delete them.

Please, I don’t want to submit a ticket anytime I want to delete a data designer MDA but I want to keep the design. Sometimes you need to see what the actual reports would look like, because the explore previews in DD are NOT exactly the same.

Hi All,

If you delete the data designer design, that should delete the object too. 

Thanks for confirming Rakesh. In instances where we'd like to retain the design, but not the MDA, would cloning the design before deleting it be your suggested workaround?

+1 Would love if DD MDAs could be listed as custom so changes to the object can be made as needed!

+1: A custom object would also allow Account GSID to become a lookup, which can’t be achieved if the object is system.


Or, allow for lookups in the system objects!