Make CTA Comments Read Only by Users and Only editable by Admins

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With the release of Timeline, it would be great if the comments section of CTAs could be set to only be used by Admins vs. allowing the CSMs to post in the comments field Thought being that it would be best if any comments where posted straight to Timeline from the CTA at this point. 

Pulling in the comments of CTAs in reporting is also pretty ugly since we have no way of distinguishing/filter what was an Admin comment vs. new info that was added by the CSM.

Final thought - It would be great if the comment posted on the CTA to timeline actually showed the CTA name on Timeline.
Hi Jill,

Interesting idea, we will think more on this. Is the CSM team using CTA timeline to post updates on the CTA?

Also, we are working on showing CTA name in 360 timeline. This will be available soon.


Hi Nitisha,

We've requested that the CSM team post their updates on the CTA Timeline and are actively working on adoption of this feature! It's ideal for us because then we have insight on both the individual CTAs as well as the Timeline, which is helpful when accounts transfer.


Thanks, makes sense. We will check the possibilities of making CTA comments field read-only in cockpit view. I will keep you posted on further updates.

