Inconsistency with dragging fields to filter in Scorecard Reports

Related products: CS Scorecards

Hi Team,

In report builder, we can drag fields and add them to show me or filter section but the same is not working in Scorecard Section Reports.

Can we maintain the same functionality across all the features.

+1, I get the following error when trying to drag fields to the filters section. 

In general, I would expect the same functionality as Report Builder. 

@Amarendra We can drag fields in to show me and groupby, but not filters. That is the case in both standard reports and scorcaard widgets. Maybe I misunderstood your point. Can you please expand a little?


@cmultanen You are probably seeing this prompt in habits report. This is because we can only have one non-scorecard field in show me for a habits report. Do let me know if I am missing something.




@shantan_reddy that error comes up when I try to drag a field to the Filters on Fields section in the Scorecard Widgets section. I just tested dragging fields to the Filters section and in the standard report builder and had no issues adding it. 

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