Improve the UI of the "Activity" Screen in Rules Engine

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The concept of the “activity” page in the Rules Engine is nice in theory, but there are three significant UI improvements I’d like to see: 

  1. First and foremost, let me navigate elsewhere. This drives me crazy that the hamburger menu and the Administration menu both disappear, meaning I just have to close the tab whenever I’m done with the Activity page.
  2. Add a refresh button. It seems that the only way to get an update on the rules that are running is to refresh the browser entirely. Why not have a refresh button like you have for individual rules? Speaking of which...
  3. Let me click into each individual rule to see the full details just like I can do in the Rules List view. I’d like to be able to see the full Execution History history or even edit the rule if I want.

Thanks for considering.

Simple - yet necessary 


a change to that view would be highly appreciated. The current stage of that view is indeed not helpful and pretty annoying even as the view did not change for months even years.

It would also be helpful to see more that just 20 rules to check the status of all updated that were running during the night.

Are there any plans to revamp, rework or replace that view?

Thanks and best


@ophirsw you might be interested in this post with our recent UI discussion, especially with a Rules Engine revamp in the works :)

The Activity page also doesn’t show rules that are part of a Rule Chain in queue. I have Chains that will show Queued in the Rules Engine, but are nowhere to be found in Activity until they’re actually In Progress.

I’m currently running a Chain that has four rules, and only one Rule is showing In Progress - the last three don’t appear in the queue.

This makes it very difficult to reprioritize rules when loads happen slowly.


Also, not being able to see the status in Activity is frustrating. I don’t want to abort a rule that’s almost complete, but having to navigate all the way back to the Engine and search for it takes too much time.

Ideally, we would be able to see all Rules/Chains that are queued in the order that they will run to evaluate efficiency. 

+1 to the above comment. Not being able to see all rules in one single view makes it somewhat useless..or frustrating to try and get the full picture.