Improve connector job status/notifications for "when no matches are found"

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Hi team

With the Dynamics connector, when mapping a field using a derived mapping, I can choose “Reject Record” for the “When No Matches Are Found” option.

When the connector job runs and only sees records that are rejected for this reason, the status of the job is marked as “Failed”

This behaviour isn’t consistent with a failure — it’s correctly and successfully rejecting the records based on our predefined criteria.

It would be great if situations like this could show a different status, or be included under “Success”.

This would help us with configuring notification emails and identifying true failures of the connector job.



Still having this issue

Follow up to this… the documentation here:


Note: You can customize the configurations for Price Book Entry ID, Opportunity ID and Product ID from the Derived Mapping section.

So is this out of date stating that we can change the logic for “When no Matches are found”?  I can’t find where to do it in Connectors 2.0.