Horizon Timeline Custom Views - Include "Does Not" Filter Logic Option

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Our team is looking to understand why the filter logic will not allow for “does not” logic, like does not equal or does not contain. Is this something coming in the future?

End Proctoring-

@lindseyyoung5 @foster.sean92 @heather_hansen @jean.nairon @sroma @keith_mattes @CurtisValentine can I get a +1?


That does seem odd.

It also doesn’t include all the available fields of the timeline object. Our timeline object has a “milestone type” field that doesn’t appear in the timeline filter options.

@jlicciardello, @gunjanm, @heather_hansen and @keith_mattes I am looking into it, I will let you know the update here.

I agree that Timeline filters operators are limited as of now. We are working on it and you will see all the operators in Timeline in 1-2 months.



Our team would also like to see this be added for Gainsight’s global timeline. Currently, it’s pulling over all of our Sales and Admin future tasks from Salesforce  and weighs these as timeline entries at the top of global timeline making it a challenge to sort for a CSM. Adding the “does not equal” would help with filtering.

Thank you!

@haleylund Could you be able to add a screenshot here? I need to see which field and maybe the datatype of the field you are searching for.

@soumitrasahu Here is a screenshot what we the current view is in global timeline. All Salesforce entries default to the top of timeline which are entries created by account managers or Admins. These entries are always viewed at the top of global timeline since they’re future tasks causing CSM’s to need to sort through this information. Today CSM’s can create filters on CSM names, but Does not equal would help filter this information out faster.


@haleylund thanks for sending this. We are looking into this and will provide the options very soon.