Gainsight Admin ability to opt-out customers/contacts from non-operational Success Communications & Surveys

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Unless the customer unsubscribes from the link provided there is no way for the Gainsight Admin to opt-out the customer and/or contact(s) from non-operational Success Communications and/or Surveys.  Sending a test e-mail to yourself on behalf of the contact provides an unsubscribe link that does not work.  Gainsight Admins should have the ability to opt-out on the customer's behalf instead of telling them to unsubscribe on the next e-mail communication.  
Makes sense to have such an option. Don't think we respect Contact email opt-out (standard field in Salesforce) either, as that could have been a potential workaround.
+1 is there a workaround to achieve this now?

I have been discussing a situation with a customer about the possibility to manually add an email address to an opt-out list. What about the possibility of adding an admin function to the Email validator that allows for certain email addressed to be added manually to the Master Gainsight Blacklist? 
Just wanted to bump this up as it came up again in support. Any updates on possibly adding this?

I also believe this should be an option in Gainsight. The only workaround is to incorporate the Email Opt Out field on the contact record in SFDC but that would not necessarily apply to all customers. It does not work in my companys case as that field also includes SFDC and Marketo communications.

Going along Joe's comment - we have to use the Email Opt Out field in our data fetches. It would be so much better if we had an ability to do this through Gainsight....

The best recommendation from an admin side would be to include any opt out criteria in your Bionic query when you create the participant list. This criteria could be from anywhere - SFDC directly, or imported from Marketo (or other systems) via S3/MDA.

This is actually a more scalable and sustainable solution for managing opt-in/out settings outside of the user setting their own criteria in the email communication itself.

Hi All,

One question - Would you want to add all contacts of a customer at once in the opt-out list or would you add specific contacts to the opt-out list?

Hello Everyone! 

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.14 release. Gainsight now provides users with more granular control to opt-out specific Contacts/Persons from email communications from the 360 > Person section. To enable users to opt-out specific Contacts/Persons from email communications, an Email Opt-Out field must be added to the Gainsight Person object in the LIST VIEW and DETAIL VIEW tabs of the 360 LAYOUTS page. After the Email Opt-Out field is added to the Gainsight Person object, users can set the value to true for a particular user of a company in the C360/R360 page. 

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!