[Feature Request] Allow More True NPS Options For NPS 360 Section

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

Posting on behalf of a customer:

When customizing the NPS Widget in the Summary Section, we can set it to show True NPS based on certain date ranges.

If a user were to click the widget within the 360 Summary View you are redirected to the NPS 360 Section. There is also an NPS Gauge which allows an option to show True NPS or Average.

However it doesn't give the option to calculate NPS based on date ranges. It would be nice to have them there as well.

@kevin_ly Admins can build a report on True NPS in Gainsight Reports and Dashboards which allows for dynamic filtering categorized by Participant, Company, Region, Product, Segment, CSM, etc. True NPS is a standard field in the application object NPS Survey Response. This field helps admins to calculate True NPS for various segments of responses.

This field stores the value :

100 for Promoters (Response values of 9 or 10)

0 for Passives (Response values of 7 or 8)

-100 for detractors (Response values of 0 to 6)

To find the True NPS of all the responses that you have filtered, you must apply an aggregation of average on this field.

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