Exclude customers from Scorecard History report after they churn

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We have a report that shows a breakdown of Health Scores for our customers over time, based on the Relationship Scorecard History object (Scorecard Habits report type). Now I was wondering how to exclude churned accounts from this report, but only starting the month they churned in. Example: if a customer churns in July, their healthscore should be included up until June but they should be removed from the bars starting July. Any suggestions?

@Jef Vanlaer There is no direct way at the moment. This is because we do not have a standard way to identify churned customers. We will look into this.

I’ve been thinking about this recently too, and this is what I’m thinking…

  • Weekly Company Snapshot custom object in order to track changes to Account Status, ARR, etc - primary company metadata
  • Data Designer to combine this with Account Scorecard History
  • Output report as described above

It’s low on my priority list but I have been noodling with it. If you like the idea and get to it before I do @Jef Vanlaer please do share!

@gunjanm Thanks for the response. I also figured a Weekly Company/Relationship Snapshot was probably the path forward. I was actually thinking of including the health score and status directly in that Snapshot. Do you think the Data Designer approach offers any advantages to this?

@Jef Vanlaer If you want to exclude them from reports, can you not store the churn date for each churned customer in your company object, and exclude any scorecard history records that are past this date? You would not need data designer either.

Why exactly is a snapshot needed in this scenario?

@shantan_reddy Thanks for that suggestion; didn't think about using the churn date yet (even though we have it). I'll definitely give that a try!

@shantan_reddy I was just looking into your suggestion. However, I didn't find an option to add a filter Snapshot date <= Churn date, nor was I able to create a formula field to compare both dates in a Scorecard Habits report. Any suggestion on how to implement this filter?

@Jef Vanlaer 
It is not possible with current reporting. We are working an a revamp, and it will be possible after that.


Meanwhile, you could do it via rules. You could create a field that is (1 if snapshot data < churn data, and 0 if snapshot date > churn date). Then you can filter all records where this field = 1.

However, since it’s being done via rules, you’d have to schedule the rule, and it will not be real time. But this should not be a problem in this case.

Hope this helps




@Jef Vanlaer did you get a chance to view the comments posted here?

@sai_ram  I surely did. In the meantime, I have implemented @shantan_reddy 's suggestion for our monthly health snapshot and I'm looking forward to the possibilities of the new report builder.