Timeline report by Date

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

When you report on timeline by date there is no way to group the date by month/quarter etc. Our team uses timeline to log everything, which is great, but there is no way for us to analyze the average time spent on certain activities by month. We would really love this feature. 
Second this. 

Our use case is they might enter the Timeline Post in today, but the meeting with the customer actually took place last week. They'd like it to show up as LAST WEEK when the meeting actually took place.

And the grouping is a great idea!
We are planning to give summarize by week/month etc ability on the date field in timeline object. Currently, there is no parity on how we support it across multiple databases in MDA (redshift, Postgress etc). I will update here on ETA of this feature as we take it up.


Hi Colin,

For your use-case, you can change the 'Activity Date' to the date when the meeting actually happened. In Timeline, we consider createdDate as the date when CSM logs the activity (this is automatically captured) and Activity Date as the date when the activity actually happened (CSM can change this date in the form). 

You can then report on Activity Date and should get the desired results.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Thanks Venky! I ran into this today. I was hoping to get some rough estimates on how much time different CSMs spend in different customer engagements. And ETA for this would be amazing!
Hi there, is this still being planned? It would be really help from an admin perspective to group and aggregate timeline activities by date to view adoption over time.
Hi Berin / All,

The enhancement to summarize the date field in activity timeline object was shipped in one of our recent releases. Can you confirm if it works for you?