Email tokens that pull from a Rich Text Field double space the text.

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When you have email token that are pulling from a Rich Text Field like the fields in Activity Timeline it's double spacing the text when the email is sent. The extra spaces are due to the <p> tag that appends automatically for the data in the mail clients and the email tokens are Text Fields as opposed to being pulled from Rich Text Fields.

It would be nice to get this fixed at some point.
+ 1 on this! We're automating sending activity notes from timeline internally at our company, and this formatting makes the emails extremely long and overall a bit distracting. 
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for bringing this up, since this is working as expected,changing this to an idea post and redirecting to our product team.


Working in the Success Snapshot feature and noticed the extra spacing as well when pulling in data from a rich text field.

Is this related?

It would be nice to remove this sort of <p> formating.

@benwanlessmenlo We will look into this and get back to you.