Email Opt Out functionality in NXT

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In SFDC we have, Email Opt out functionality (checkbox) for Contacts. We do not have it in NXT as UI. We have to raise a ticket each time. Can we have that enabled in NXT as well?

@Anshita Thanks for bringing this up! it's a valid use-case. I will get back to you on this.


This capability will be available by early Q2.



Hello Everyone! 

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.14 release. Gainsight now provides users with more granular control to opt-out specific Contacts/Persons from email communications from the 360 > Person section. To enable users to opt-out specific Contacts/Persons from email communications, an Email Opt-Out field must be added to the Gainsight Person object in the LIST VIEW and DETAIL VIEW tabs of the 360 LAYOUTS page. After the Email Opt-Out field is added to the Gainsight Person object, users can set the value to true for a particular user of a company in the C360/R360 page. 

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!