Data spaces relationship rules

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In trying to build out a process yesterday it was pointed out that Data Spaces cannot be used in any relationship rules. I have tried using both Custom and Bionic Rules to accomplish this and it doesn't appear to be an option to select from when building out the rules. 
I came up against this issue when trying to build a CTA at the relationship level using the relationship history object. 
Data spaces are not supported in Relationship rules as of now but we can create multiple tasks in a Bionic Relationship rule to fetch data from all objects that are part of Data space, merge or transform them keeping Relationship and Account Ids along until the last task and then create CTA or any other supported actions
It would be a big time saver if this was possible...

Use case:

If you have a rule to create CTAs at the Relaltionship level for all relationship types, you need to create a seperate rule for each type of relationship in your instance (9 in our case).

And if the rule you're writing to create CTAs would benefit from a data space– i.e. using lookups to fetch data from related objects instead of having to query multiple objects and merging datasets– then the benefit of data spaces much greater if you have to duplicate similar rules multiple times for different relationship types.