Data Designer dataspace object in Journey Orchestrator Program

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What is the expected behavior if the dataspace from a data designer workflow is used in a Program and a field is removed/changed with the data designer workflow?

I made an update to a workflow and removed/added fields. The dataspace object was updated and after which I needed to update/rebuild some reports in Report Builder that no longer displayed data due these changes. However, in Journey Orchestrator, the Program that used the same dataspace continued to be active and did not report errors but did not continue to sync. Editing the query builder provided an alert that a field had been deleted and so tasks had to be re-saved.

Should there a notification when a field used in JO Program is no longer available/deleted or should the Program change the status from Publish to Paused/Draft?

Hi John,

Agree that there should be some dependency check in the Data Designer page which should not allow a field to be deleted if its used in other areas. Kind of like what we do in Data Management. 

We will work on this!

@john_apple converting this to idea post and changing the status accordingly.