
Using Scorecard 2.0 in Summary on C360 Page

  • 21 July 2017
  • 3 replies


We have just migrated over to Scorecard 2.0, and I've been working on updating all our reports that still reference 1.0. I think the last one to do it the Health Scorecard Widget we have in the Summary section of the C360 page. When I tried to update it though, there doesn't seem to be an option for the new scorecard, and after reading the documentation on creating widgets myself, I don't know how I would be able to replicate a similar widget with 2.0. 

I'm not sure if I don't understand how to create widgets, if I just don't know what the new widget might look like, or if this is a limitation. Could someone help shed some light on this?


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2
Hi Dallis - you'll need to go into the feature configuration screen in Salesforce to mark your scorecard 2.0 as primary, which will then make the scorecard 2.0 widget appear in the C360. Documentation on that can be found here (scroll down to "set scorecards 2.0 as primary in Gainsight"
Correct. Once you make "scorecard 2.0 as primary" the Scorecard in summary widget will start displaying data from 2.0.

You don't have to do any special configuration for that.

Great thank you!
