Copy/Clone Objectives

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Our team would like the ability to copy objectives including the tasks within that objective. Occasionally for our large global clients we have objectives that have to be repeated several times across their organization but are not relevant across our clients (and should not then be a playbook). Having this feature to clone or copy an objective would save our team time when this occurs.

@amanda.wachendorf thank you for sharing!

@Anil Raj Pujari do we have this as part of the 2.0?

@sai_ram @Anil Raj Pujari  Is there any update to this functionality?  Our use case is that CSMs are creating adoption plans via Success Plans.  Often, they have repeating objectives that need to be managed, but it isn’t enough to warrant a playbook for everyone.  So, the ability to clone an objective would save them time creating a new version each time.

The feature to clone a Success Plan has been implemented for Gainsight NXT edition. 

We have a use case as well where it would be great to clone existing objectives within the same Success Plan. Any updates on this would be great.