Context ID on Timeline Activity Editable via Rule Engine

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The Context ID is not editable via Rules Engine, however this would be super useful to have editable when generating Milestone timeline entries. This would allow us to associate to success plans.


For example, we want to generate a timeline entry when fields get changed on the Success Plan. This will allow us to see a history of changes in timeline which is easily shareable and trackable if the CSM needs to hand off the account.

We currently generate timeline entries for some updates that are made, but since the Context ID is not an available field to load to we cannot associate the milestones to the plan

@andreammelde thank you for sharing the use-case too. Sharing with the product team for more visibility.

@andreammelde Thanks for sharing that feedback. We don’t have an immediate plan to support this as the team is occupied with other High-Priority items. Based on the number of likes, we can reprioritize.