Collapsible Dashboard Reports

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We are finding that one dashboard style does not necessarly fit all across our CSM segments. We deployed a number of reports in directed dashboards that different GS users may or may not need to see as often as others. If CSMs had the ability to collapse a given report (such as the collapse view in a Salesforce record), users could optimize their daily experience and gain better insights from certian dashboards.

Thinking about it, a 'Hide/Collapes' option could remove the report from the dashboard view. Then the 'Collapsed/Hidden' report title can be shown in a section at the top of the dashboard view offering a click option to 'Show/Unhide' the report again.

Or only offer it on full horizontal reports if spacing is a concern leaving only the report title and a collape/expand arrow option (identical to the behavior in SFDC records).

Not sure the best way to do it, but I know it would greatly improve the CSM experience and aid our internal team in getting more CSM addoption.

Any thoughts?

Related Post Here:

+1 would love the ability to expand/collapse sections and include different shapes of containers and more flexibility in general with containers.

More flexibility gets my vote!

FYI @rakesh

Any Gainsight-side response to this?

I’m currently pushing back on our CS leadership team because they want three regional/geocentric versions of the exact same reports and dashboard container and it’s a hard sell because they need to filter two different fields with an OR condition and there’s no option in dashboard global filters for that.

Option B would be ‘put all of the regional reports on one dashboard’ but without an option for users to minimize the reports, that won’t fly with them