Built-In Tips for the Rules Engine

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

I've banged my head against a wall on constructing rules in the Rules Engine only to realize that I had left out a simple criteria such as a date range.  I'm sure there are other best practices we can brainstorm that would be good suggestions to offer to people who try to construct a rule, and don't get the results they expect. 

Something like the "tool tips" that walkme.com offers would be a welcome addition to the rules engine UI, and would function like a built-in consultant. E.g. Hopefully it'd be able to suggest to me that I add a date criteria if I didn't already have one in my rule.

Love this idea. As my project manager knows, i've struggled a bit with the rules engine especially on the timing filters to know when to run it.  I get it now but would help with onboarding and adoption of the tool.
Thanks for the feedback. We are planning to add some tooltips on the same line and also ship some of the best practises library which will contain some of the standard rules.