Click to Call in Gainsight NXT

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My company uses GS NXT to integrate with SFDC, however, by moving over to NXT we have lost the efficiency of click-to-call/dial. Additionally, the documentation on GS Go states that there are 2 specific vendors where the click-to-call works. 

Ideally, we would like click-to-call functionality to be available for your GS NXT customers and configurable for many different click-to-call vendors. Ex. We currently use Avaya CTI integration through SFDC, but as you know vendors change.

+1 to this!


Our CSMs currently use Salesforce with click-to-call functionality through Natterbox. Our goal is to ultimately move all CSMs to Gainsight NXT but we’re unable to do this fully due to the lack of click-to-call functionality in Gainsight. As it stands, CSMs have Gainsight open in one tab but then need to switch to Salesforce/Natterbox when they need to make a call. This is counter-productive and breaks the workflow in Gainsight. 


Would be amazing to have a built-in click-to-call feature in NXT like there is in GS SFDC!

+1 to this too !




Good to see the engagement on this one. + @chethana

Our team implemented Gainsight in June and this is a major painpoint for us. 

Our CSMs make a lot of outbound calls, and as a Manager, I would like to be able to:

  1. Track volume and duration of calls to measure productivity
  2. As a CSM, not have to use a separate program to make calls, then manually go back to my timeline to add in a Call Note + manually enter in contact stakeholder/ duration/ name or person I called
  3. The adoption of Gainsight has been not going as fast as I would like due to these painpoints in our change management (still having to use multiple platforms)

    In HubSpot for example, it’s a one click call, automatically logs everything and I can run a report on team volume of calls and duration as well. On top of that, we can also record calls for training purposes.