Associate Success Plan Fields in more than one group

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We would like the ability to associate Success Plan Fields in more than one group on a Success Plan. Our CSMs leverage the SMART goal model and often arrive at more than one goal per project. Currently we have fields for the S, M, A, R, T and one field to articulate the SMART goal. We would like to have a total of three groups, each with the SMART goal content underneath it. Currently, I will have to create separate fields for each SMART goal (ie: S1, M1, A1, R1, T1, SMART goal 1; S2, M2, A2, R2, T2, SMART goal 2, etc.) 

@amanda.wachendorf Thanks for sharing your request here! There is lot planned on Success plans, let me check if this request exists in the queue. 


If you have three SMART goals to capture in project then you would need three fields for SMART goals. Having just one field will allow capturing only one of the three SMART goals. I could have understood the requirement incorrectly. Could you please give some more details on this use case.

Here is how we have it broken out: 


Allowing our team to use the same field more than once in a success plan would prevent me from having to create multiple versions of each part of the smart goal to account for the additional goals. 

Hi @amanda.wachendorf 

Thank you explaining in detail the use case. You will need to create separate fields for S1 & S2, or SMART goal 1 & SMART goal 2 as you are storing/retrieving them separately. I think what you are looking for is - to quickly duplicate/clone the fields. We will follow this thread for upvotes to evaluate the requirement for future roadmaps.


FYI, you should be able to do this by altering the display name of your fields when configuring the layout of the success plan.





FYI, you should be able to do this by altering the display name of your fields when configuring the layout of the success plan.




@Wayne thanks for your workaround!! 

@amanda.wachendorf will this workaround work for you?

Hi All, 

Thank you for the feedback, that is the work around we had already done. 🙂 We were just generally hoping the the future to not have to do that. This is not a stop gap for our usage, but just a suggestion. 




If you have three SMART goals to capture in project then you would need three fields for SMART goals. Having just one field will allow capturing only one of the three SMART goals. I could have understood the requirement incorrectly. Could you please give some more details on this use case.

@amanda.wachendorf I have converted this to feature request, please vote to show your interest on this request. I see zero votes.