Allow Objective CTA Owner to Edit Task Owner After Creation

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CSMs are using Success Plans to help keep track of customer goals. Each Objective is a ‘goal’ and each Task is a step toward achieving that goal. Sometimes the responsibility for a task belongs with a business contact. For example, perhaps a business contact must attend a seminar.


When a CSM creates a new task, they can assign that task to a contact at the business. However, once the task is built, the owner cannot be edited. This is an issue because the CSM may not know who the responsible person is at the time of building the task, or that person could change within the company. The ask here is that the Task Owner field be editable after saving.


Hello Team,


It is valid ask that the user/admin be able to reassign a task to a different owner. There are many scenarios out there where a task needs to be handled to some one else may be an internal user or an external user.

This should be current functionality. Have you checked with support on why you are unable to do this?

hi @bradley -- we did not realize that should be functional. We are raising a ticket now. Thank you 

UPDATE: It appears there is functionality to adjust Task Owner. However, it does not operate as expected -- there are two different process for task and objective ownership changes. This is a clunky process which requires users to be trained on two different methods and causes negative user experience. 

If you want to change the Owner of a task from the task details view, you click the TINY icon with initials in the upper right corner to edit.
If you want to update the Owner of an objective from the objective details, you click into the CTA Owner field to edit. 

The ask here is the same -- that the Task Owner field be editable after building.
This change will put it in line with the expected process for the user. There is no change requested to the current method of editing task owner, jut the additional functionality for the Task Owner field.