Add 'remember me' option for Gainsight login

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I want to see this page less :D

I really don’t like seeing this page every day when I try to navigate to our Gainsight instance and having to: click the field, enter my email, press login, and choose my Google SSO account. That’s 4 additional clicks just to get into Gainsight! If I use Gainsight every working day, that’s 20 clicks a week, which is roughly 1040 clicks a year 😮 (I don’t use Gainsight during holidays but you get the idea).

I would love to see a ‘Remember me’ option that kept me logged in for 30 days.

This is good input @daniel.boon , thanks for posting it.

@daniel.boon Thanks for posting this. We will look into this request and let you know once we add it in the roadmap.

​​​+1! This a deterrent to logging in for our team. Would be nice if there was a ‘Login through Google’ button available on the very first screen to reduce the number of clicks.

Bumping this again because my users are still asking for this. The OP’s idea of having a ‘Remember Me for 30 Days’ option is ideal. The login process feels clunky and tedious otherwise.