Add Multiple Emails in the Reply To

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We are sending out some non-operational emails where we would like to have any replies to the email go to two people.  So, we’re sending from the manager, and would like the manager and the CSM to get any replies that come in.  With the current set up, the manager would get the reply, and then, have to forward to the CSM.

I know you can add CCs in operational emails, but this email is definitely a non-operational one.

Hello @heather_hansen, thank you for your post. This sounds like a great suggestion/idea to enhance the product, looping in our Product Manager to take this one forward. 

Hi @heather_hansen ,

Thanks for your post.

The from field is limited to a single email. Could you share more details around the usecase please?



@PavanCh there’s not a CC option for non-operational emails currently, and Email Copy wouldn’t allow the customer to reply to those emails.  So, yes, if you change it to allow CC for non-operational, that would work as long as the reply all would go to both the reply to and the CC.