Add Advanced Filtering for Success Plan Custom View

Related products: CS Success Plans

The success plan list view is great, and the ability to have custom views is nice BUT why are there no advanced filters like on the cockpit custom views? Our enterprise CSMs need the ability to filter their book of business by the ECSM field we have on the company object as they are not owners on 100% of the success plans tied to the accounts they oversee. While that is one specific ask, I can see additional advanced filtering being a huge benefit for our teams.

The option to create custom filters for Success Plans is a request from leadership for us as well. We are trying to increase adoption of Gainsight among our CS teams, so we are implementing new SP programs to help with long-term CS solutions. However, the more we build to create better usability, the more issues we run into because now it is harder for a CSM to quickly access what they need. 

Please consider this feature for the roadmap!

@Anil Raj Pujari on this thread.

I think it would be helpful to be able to filter from fields on the Success Plan as well as joined objects like Company and Relationship.