Account Summary of c360 seems to have gone backwards

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The Account Summary in the full view as well as the widget seems to have gone backwards in time.   (my opinion) The colors around the 6 boxes looked better than the new look.   Obviously, the more we could configure in terms of shading and colors would be a nice addition.   But have some colors to the boxes , like before , might be a good start.   Im not a UI expert, but the colors made the widget more "eye" appealing and draw.
Thanks for the feedback, Tom! The new summary design is still work-in-progress, so you can expect significant improvements in the next few releases (starting Aug 25). 

Completely agree that the widgets don't 'pop' as much without the colors, so we'll look into what improvements we can make. The goal is to reintroduce colors, but this time give you more control over them. This is mainly to avoid situations where you might see a green health score in a red widget, or a detractor NPS covered in green.