Overhaul C360 Summary section to allow more fields/widgets

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The C360 Summary section has been the same for as long as I have been a GS admin.  It would be great if this could be revamped to more customizable and allow for more than the max 6 widgets and 6 fields:


There is more real estate that could be used:



+1 I posted this too a while back.  So, would love to see some of additional object capabilities:


@heather_hansen  Yes!  I see your post https://community.gainsight.com/cs-ideas-21/company-fields-in-c360-36890 links to another similar post https://community.gainsight.com/cs-ideas-21/additional-objects-for-summary-section-4607?postid=4607 

And here’s another post similar to yours:  https://community.gainsight.com/cs-ideas-21/is-there-a-plan-to-add-more-objects-besides-account-and-customer-info-to-the-attributes-section-of-c360-3043

Would love to see C360 get a revamp.

+1 to more customizable options. On the real estate point, larger monitors will give you more space. On a standard laptop screen, things are not quite as wide open. 


Good point.  Then I’ll restate:  Improved use of available real estate.  make the widgets more concise and able to add more widgets with ability to scroll through the section.