Homescreen dashhboard for VIEW_GROUP users

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I recently gave our Sales and Product teams access to Gainsight CS with VIEW_GROUP permissions. I was a bit surprised to find out that I could not configure a basic homescreen dashboard for them to get an overview of the current state of the full customer base (e.g., Scorecard metrics). I think that would be a great addition for this type of users.

Agreed! We just set up our view_group and this addition would be very helpful. Because right now we can’t give these view-only users a dashboard view, it is not a very good UI experience for them because they are still seeing the home page when they first go into Gainsight - just a big 404 screen.

Agreed! This user experience is not great for Viewers. If their experience was improved, more of them might want to become full users. 

Agreed! Not having this is a major annoyance. Especially since users have the ability to see dashboards via a live link

This is currently not in our road-map. 

@All, Do upvote this post if you believe this is relevant for you. Based on the up-votes we change the priority of the road-map.  


I recently gave our Sales and Product teams access to Gainsight CS with VIEW_GROUP permissions. I was a bit surprised to find out that I could not configure a basic homescreen dashboard for them to get an overview of the current state of the full customer base (e.g., Scorecard metrics). I think that would be a great addition for this type of users.


change the Default page from the Gainsight Home page to some other Gainsight page/Module.

Currently you can share a dashboard as a link with the viewer license users. 

We are analyzing data and evaluating options to see if we can provide an in product experience for dashboards for Viewer users as well. One question for all → What in your words would be the biggest benefit with this change?

What in your words would be the biggest benefit with this change?

If Viewers are able to see the dashboard in Gainsight, they will not get a blank page and their experience will be improved. This will help to drive adoption across Viewers.

What in your words would be the biggest benefit with this change?

If Viewers are able to see the dashboard in Gainsight, they will not get a blank page and their experience will be improved. This will help to drive adoption across Viewers.

If I am right Jean, for all viewer users we made Timeline page our landing page 
​​​​@uday @sidhu 

What in your words would be the biggest benefit with this change?

If Viewers are able to see the dashboard in Gainsight, they will not get a blank page and their experience will be improved. This will help to drive adoption across Viewers.

Also, it would be an easier entry point for viewer users as well if we can provide a tailored dashboard as homepage. For most viewer users, only a subset of the accounts is important (e.g., specific Relationships linked to 1 product, or accounts from 1 region). By providing a general overview on these accounts with easy clickthrough, they get some summarized data and have an easy click-through to the C360/R360's of interest.

Hi all! Would be much appreciated if you could take a few minutes to submit your feedback on our Viewer License capabilities via the survey in this post.  



Any update on this one? We would love to see this.

Would love to get the feedback on this idea as well.
