Grouping Users for Mass At Mention

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Can we group users for at mentions based on attributes or flags?  Right now there is a limit to how many people you can at mention at once on a post - and as we start wanting to alert large group, like an entire account team, it would be nice to just have a group name to at mention.  This would also increase adoption by other teams as it would engage them in the tool more frequently. 

Could you make a group email/distribution email address and create a user with that email? Then could use the at mention on that user and it would distribute the email notification to all members of the group.

Thanks for the suggestion @john_apple .  We have considered this; however, if we want to mention an account team and we have an account team per customer, we’ve just increased our license count substantially with fake users.  Any ideas around that?

@kwienbeck Yes user group is under consideration which will solve the use case you are referring to FYI @nitisha_rathi 

Voting for this as well. We are not hitting any limitations, but it would be a nice time saver to be able to mention a specific team without having to formally list out each of the individuals. 

@josh.berger I agree, this use case is part of user groups.

@josh.berger I agree, this use case is part of user groups.

This is added to our product backlog.

@All, please add your vote here to change the priority of the road-map.