Attachments in Timeline

Related products: CS Timeline

Sometimes due to multiple attchments to an email, the email fails to log into Timeline (bcc to Timeline) feature. Is there a way to better this experience by adding secondary timeline entries with just attachments? 


In case of E2T, Below are the limitations of number of attachment and total size of it.


I am working with a customer in which they were also looking for number attachment to be increased as in case of Email to timeline for a longer conversation it may add several signs/signatures and other company images and those are considered as an attachment. I strongly believe if not Maximum attachment size of an email but at least number of attachments (5) should be increased.

In addition to that,Can there be a way to have the system not capture the images as file attachments and only capture “true” file attachments that are not images?

Below are the business justification provided by the customer.

Staff are experiencing attachments being added to a Timeline Activity when:
• Staff signatures are images
• Staff have icons such as Facebook, Twitter, our Availity logo
• Clients Signatures
• Client logo’s
• Screen shots added within an email


We are planning to make a lot improvements in Email to Timeline in the next quarter. We will consider this as a part of those enhancements. Thanks for sharing. 

Hello Everyone,

We have expanded support of the following attachment types - jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, pdf, doc, docx, txt, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv, msg, eml, avi, flv, wmv, mov, mp4, wav, aiff, flac, alac, mp3, aac, wma, ogg. 

For more information, refer to the Timeline FAQs article.
