Allow Multiple Same Type Sources in Journey Orchestrator Programs

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It's current possible to create a program that has multiple source types but not multiple sources of the SAME type. We are limited to only using one Query Builder, PowerList, or CSV source per Program.

From and admin and analytics perspective, it would be very helpful if we could use multiple sources of the same type so that we wouldn't need to duplicate/create additional variants.

This would help solve a blocker we have around Programs. This would allow us to build 3-6 seperate queries that pull different contacts on the same record that all need to recieve the email communications.

Calvin - We're able to do this. I created a Program with 4 Query builders as sources.

Calvin - We're able to do this. I created a Program with 4 Query builders as sources.

Is it possible this is a feature that was released unannounced? I am fairly certain this wasn’t possible previously, yet now it is, but I can’t find anything mentioned in any release notes about it.

Yes, we can create more than one source from the same type in JO Programs.